Everyone is talking about digitalisation – and for a good reason. The opportunities arising from digitalisation are close to unlimited. Since the rise of the internet, the buyers have changes their behaviour, but for some reason Sales has failed to follow up and is now falling behind. Let’s change that!
EGN and Intenz have arranged three consecutive events, with the topic of how companies can prepare their Sales organisations for year 2020. Taking the starting point from research, the participants will experience a range of professionals within Sales to ensure that each and every one of the participants bring home valuable insights and a lot to work with in the future. It will be three very rich days with loads of inspiration to bring back home and make the steps towards 2020.
Check the landingpage for more info about the programme, the speakers – and we would all be happy if you can join. I have been invited as a speaker on the 2nd event, speaking and showcasing how one can work with Sales Enablement Technology in praxis. Showing what is possible, and sharing best practise.
I will also talk about ‘framing’ which is a sales approach I coined back in 2018. It is about setting the scene within the client’s reality. Framing is an approach that both changes the way Sales work and the way Sales think to be much more customer centric.
I look forward to sharing the knowledge I have gathered from countless years in Sales and from building a Sales Enablement tool. Are you joining as speaker or participant? I would love to hear from you.
Here is the link for the conference (only in Danish): https://www.egn.dk/events/gor-dit-salg-klar-til-2020
Have you read my article on Sales Velocity? If not, here is a link. It is one of my most popular posts.